Football dataGradually the world is waking up to the power of evidence-based human capital management and effective data analysis of real talent. This was predicted by the Maturity Institute because our exemplar companies are the best at measurement and data analysis directly linked to human capital management.  It is also entirely predictable that the future will be one of increasingly sophisticated human capital analysis and reporting [1]

So it was no surprise to see this excellent piece in the Daily Telegraph on sophisticated analysis being used to great effect by some Premier League football clubs. All companies will have to go the same way eventually but as Rory Campbell reveals, it is context, what we call organizational maturity, that really matters for the data to be put to best use: –

“Any market with inefficiency is an opportunity. The fact that football doesn’t have a set or agreed way of valuing talent and is so arbitrary is an opportunity. There is a difference between statistics and analytics. Statistics tell you about events that have happened. They don’t mean anything without context.”

Of course, every club in the Premier League will have to go down this road because managing the value of talent – a combination of high salaries with big rewards for success – is crucial. There is not a single company on the planet that would not benefit by learning these mature lessons from the best.

[1] OMS LLP have produced the world’s first Premier League Organizational Maturity Index (OMI), a rating of comparative capability to create sustained value through effective human governance and human capital management. A full report on its findings will be published shortly.


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