business-leadership-2“Man cannot govern a nation if he cannot govern a city; he cannot govern a city if he cannot govern a family; he cannot govern a family unless he can govern himself; and he cannot govern himself unless his passions are subject to reason.”

Hugo Grotius  (1583-1645)

The Maturity Institute is intrinsically evidence-based: we measure the things that matter for an organization to become highly mature, valuable and sustainable. These measures are used to produce a relative scale for comparisons to be made between immature and mature organizations. MI’s aim is to help the immature to learn how to improve: the mature will always keep improving.

MI’s whole system approach led to the development of the OMINDEX©, which indicates not only the stage of maturity that a company has reached but the value opportunity it can still achieve; through more effective human governance and human capital management. The maturity analysis that produces a company’s organizational maturity rating (OMR) is based on a set of 30 questions (OM30).

As OMINDEX© has been building over the last two years it has become clear that, in effect, it is rating the board members and executives themselves and their capabilities in governance. For example, if we find no evidence of corporate purpose we must assume that the Chair and CEO either regard purpose as unimportant or are unwilling or not prepared to declare a purpose. Regardless of the reason, the effects on the people who work there and the company’s value are the same.

In the light of this realisation, the obvious and most logical step from here is to use the same high, MI standard and adapt the same questions, to rate the individuals concerned. That is why the LMQ © (Leadership and Management Quality) Index has been developed.

As with all statistics, the scores for these individuals will start to form a bell curve of relative performance. The objective of the LMQ Index is to show how these leaders can improve and also to highlight which organizations seem to be developing the highest quality leaders.

For further information please contact Paul Kearns or Stuart Woollard.


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