Having acknowledged, along with everyone else, that performance management as we know it is dead, MI would like to announce the arrival of its latest management standard on performance management – but we have to immediately qualify that statement. Only consciously maturing organizations will be able to adopt this standard because it is not about performance management […]
MI’s Lead on CEO Remuneration, John Mansfield,explains MI’s Model for HR Magazine readers. Read the full article here
The Maturity Institute has historically used two scales to assess total, Organizational Maturity. The original, ‘HR maturity’ scale focuses on the Maturity of the CHRO and the function they run.  The OMINDEX® scale integrates HR Maturity and links the value of the organization directly to its maturity level through the management of its human capital […]
The Ten Pillars are the foundation for the Maturity Institute’s framework, formed from ten, integrated, values and principles   Each of the Ten Pillars identifies and represents causal factors for value creation, within which a corporation should design the very best possible systems, processes and interventions to realise the fullest potential of its human capital. […]
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