Stuart Woollard was delighted to speak for the Maturity Institute as part of the Transparency Task Force’s Financial Stability team, which presented its White Paper at the House of Commons on 7 February. Stuart’s speech can be viewed here and the full White Paper is available here, which provides an array of ideas to improve financial stability, including the utilisation of MI’s Total Stakeholder Value and Organisational Maturity Rating:
“At an organisational level, it is important that stakeholders within the ecosystem find a more nuanced metric with which to assess the health of individual firms. The Maturity Institute does this with its Total Stakeholder Value measure, starting with a conventional organisational measure of performance but then rewarding or penalising a company for its performance across seven qualitative measures, most of which have played a part in drawing out this paper: purpose, systems, risk, incentives and networks. We need to encourage organisations to have a more holistic dashboard and the Maturity Institute’s related forward-looking Organisational Maturity Rating could help provide an alternative vision to the traditional equity or credit indicators currently used.” TTF White Paper, February 2018
The White Paper aims to catalyse the establishment of an All Party Parliamentary Group for Financial Stability. Lord Lindsay states: “There is universal shared interest in avoiding another Global Financial Crisis so I am pleased to play my part in supporting the new All Party Parliamentary Group on Financial Stability. We wish to consider ideas from a wide range of stakeholders; the strongest ideas will be developed into fledgling policy proposals for consideration by Regulators, Government Departments and so on. Hats off to the Transparency Task Force for their compelling White Paper on the topic and for suggesting the new APPG be formed.”
MI’s complementary paper: “How Governance, Culture, and Management Systems ratings can mitigate risk and create Total Stakeholder Value” is available for download here.
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